The XXVI International Congress of the Transplantation Society.
Biological therapy in transplantation: an update from the 19th.
XXIII International Congress of The Transplantation Society | LinkedIn.
international congress of transplantation
Organ transplant.
The Official Journal of TTS - The Transplantation Society.Transplantation Today. Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of the Transplantation Society.. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1973 Aug;79(2):330-330.
international congress of transplantation
Berlin 2012 Update: Abstract Submission Now Open!Special Dedicated Issues, such as The International Congress of the Transplantation Society biennial issue; Colloquia: Sponsored issues on thematically. waiting for an organ transplant, according to experts at an international conference on transplants. More than 3,000 of the world's leading physicians and. The 24th International Congress. Likewise, the 24th International Congress of The Transplantation Society (TTS) aims to overcome frontiers in transplantation.
International Conference and Exhibition on Surgery & Transplantation.
Posters - XXIV International Congress of The Transplantation Society.Nov 20, 2012. The Transplantation Society (TTS) represented by President Elect Professor Henrik Ekberg signed the letter of Intent with Dr.Prasarn Bhiraj Buri.